

Episode 13: The Conspiracy Within a Conspiracy

Episode 13: The Conspiracy Within a Conspiracy

Have you ever felt like you’re being watched? Like some other force is responsible for the otherwise unexplained? Has someone ever whacked you on the head with a newspaper because you were spouting flat earth theories? This weeks episode probably isn’t for the latter, but otherwise strap in!

This week has been.. a weird one for the internet. It’s been an even weirder two weeks here at Self-Titled Club. When we decided to do an episode on conspiracy theories, we didn’t expect to feel like we had landed in the middle of one.

Our editing software decided that one of the theories we planned on talking about was just too real for our listeners, and it deleted just the footage from that theory, and left everything else. We’re also going to go ahead and blame that same glitch in the Matrix on why our episode is so late (mostly, we’re human and we’re sorry and we love you all). So enjoy listening to us talk about the Avril Lavigne Lookalike, whether or not Facebook is listening to you, Flat Earther’s, and a special surprise theory from Morgan that is our new personal favorite.

IF you wanna check out some of the content from this weeks episode, we’ve included some links down below.

Absolutely hilarious article by Alex Abad - Santos about Lizard People -

A little bit hard to believe stats about Conspiracy believers in the states that we quote -

Article by Antonio Garcia Martinez about why Facebook doesn’t give a damn to listen to you -

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The One that Wasn’t an Episode (Surprise! Pt2)

The One that Wasn’t an Episode (Surprise! Pt2)

Episode 12: It's Gonna Smell Like Goats Milk!

Episode 12: It's Gonna Smell Like Goats Milk!