That’s why on this weeks episode, we decided to sit down and talk to Lizz! Her and Megan go way back to the “good ol’ days”, and not only is she rocking her own thing now with her makeup and craft Pages, but she also has a 6 (almost 7!!) year old daughter named Chloe who kinda kills both of us inside.. like, in a good way.
It’s crazy awesome to watch your friends find something they are passionate about and really grow into it and start to pursue it in their own way, which is lowkey what this whole show is built off of, and this girl has a looongg history with makeup. But it’s also kind of actually insane to not only watch one of your long time friends become a parent, but to watch that weird little potato that likes eggs like way too much grow and mature into their own person, but also somehow a mini version of your friend? Life is an intense ride, and the rest of this podcast is not nearly as serious as this caption. Also, Chloe sings us a song, so does anything other than that really matter?