

For even if I'm far away, I hold you in my heart - S3E2

For even if I'm far away, I hold you in my heart - S3E2

Are you kidding me? The last episode was just about love languages, I’m a total upgrade!

This fortnight we sit down and have a good cry. But this time, for a reason! We talk about the Disney Pixar movie Coco, which Morgan had not seen until now, and is now one of her top favourite Disney Pixar movies! Strap in with us as we go down this journey. Highly recommend watching the movie first though, as we are not the way this movie was intended to be enjoyed! We end off our feelings with a good ole game of Cupidity.

Babies - S3E3

Babies - S3E3

mmmmm....FedEx - S3E1

mmmmm....FedEx - S3E1