

Congratulations, it's a wave! - S3E18

Congratulations, it's a wave! - S3E18

On this weeks episode, we invite you to ask yourself - if it’s not my body, why do I think I have a say?

We here at Self-Titled club believe every person is entitled to make their own decisions about their own bodies, especially when it comes to medical choices that will affect you for literally your entire life and also the lives of other people. The goal with this episode is really just to get people listening; listening to the people this affects, to the people who should have a say, to the people who don’t anymore because they had to take matters in to their own hands.

Just a heads up before you start listening, this episode is entirely regarding abortion: both the laws in Canada, a specific law that has been an ongoing issue in Alabama, as well as some additional anecdotes. It’s discussed in a positive light, and in the hopes of getting people to talk about it. If you’ve ever had your own experience with this and haven’t been able to speak with anyone about it, we’re here for you! Don’t be afraid to reach out

Just remember: the people who matter won’t mind, and the people who mind don’t matter.

Oh the places you'll go... just, preferably not right now - S3E19

Oh the places you'll go... just, preferably not right now - S3E19

He's having a party for his bear! - S3E17

He's having a party for his bear! - S3E17