

Episode 2: On October 3rd... we wear pink?

Episode 2: On October 3rd... we wear pink?

There’s a 30% chance that it’s already raining, so kick back, grab a Kallteen bar and borrow your too-gay-to-function friend’s shirt, because it’s October 3rd, it’s Wednesday, and it’s our second episode!

If you’ve stuck around with us this long, THANK YOU! If you’re new, Jambo! If you haven’t seen the classic movie Mean Girls, we’re gonna need you to stop reading right now and go do that..

Done? Ok good, because we have an hour long discussion about our favourite parts of the movie, fun facts through out, and we also do “The Hardest Mean Girls Quiz”! Will we pass? Only one way to tell!

Episode 3: Is there no beef?!

Episode 3: Is there no beef?!

Episode 1: Nug love.

Episode 1: Nug love.